Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Cracked Jar (by Paulo Coehlo)

An Indian legend tells the story of a man who carried water to his village every day, in two large jars tied to the ends of a wooden pole, which he balanced on his back.

One of the jars was older than the other, and had some small cracks. Every time the man covered the distance to his home, half the water was lost.

The younger jar was very proud of its performance, safe in the knowledge that it was up for the mission it had been made for, while the other jar was mortified with shame at fulfilling only half its allotted task.

It was so ashamed that one day, while the man got ready to fetch water from the well, it spoke to him.

“I want to apologize, but because of the many years of service, you are only able to deliver half my load, and quench half of the thirst that awaits at your home.”

The man smiled and said, “When we return, watch the path carefully.”

And so the jar did, and it noticed that, on its side, flowers and plants grew.

“See how nature is more lovely on your side?” the man commented. “I always knew you were cracked, and decided to make use of this fact.

“I planted flowers and vegetables, and you have always watered them.

“I have picked many roses to decorate my house with, and have fed my children, cabbage, onions and tomatoes.

“If you were not how you are, how could I have done that?”

All of us, at some time, grow old and start to acquire other qualities. We can always make use of these new qualities and obtain wonderful results.

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